Golden Ossetra
Golden Ossetra with its complex nutty flavor, beautiful bright tones, and buttery finish, arouses the palate in both flavor and appearance. The firm eggs gently pop as you pearl them in your mouth with complete satisfaction. Only the finest and most rare Golden Ossetra Caviar is considered, each individual egg has a golden tone, medium-large in size and firm texture. Golden Ossetra is imported and of the Acipenser Gueldenstaedtii species. Packaged in our custom black leather gift box (mother of pearl spoon and tin opener not included).
All orders arrive via FedEx priority overnight, we deliver Tuesday through Friday. Friday orders will deliver the following Tuesday. Upon checkout, you may select your requested delivery date. Because we pack all caviar to order, it will remain fresh 6-8 weeks when stored well. Please note, we are not liable for any delays by the shipping carrier. We are not able to accept any returns or issue refunds.
Golden Ossetra
Golden Ossetra with its complex nutty flavor, beautiful bright tones, and buttery finish, arouses the palate in both flavor and appearance. The firm eggs gently pop as you pearl them in your mouth with complete satisfaction. Only the finest and most rare Golden Ossetra Caviar is considered, each individual egg has a golden tone, medium-large in size and firm texture. Golden Ossetra is imported and of the Acipenser Gueldenstaedtii species. Packaged in our custom black leather gift box (mother of pearl spoon and tin opener not included).
All orders arrive via FedEx priority overnight, we deliver Tuesday through Friday. Friday orders will deliver the following Tuesday. Upon checkout, you may select your requested delivery date. Because we pack all caviar to order, it will remain fresh 6-8 weeks when stored well. Please note, we are not liable for any delays by the shipping carrier. We are not able to accept any returns or issue refunds.